January 10, 2017

Stake Basketball Rules

Eagle Rock Stake Basketball
Rules and Guidelines

Any ward that cannot organize a complete team is welcome to contact Daris Perkins, Stake Athletic Director (208-201-8114) and we will make arrangements for those individuals to participate on another team in the stake.

The young men's league is designed for young men that are still in secondary schools. If a young man has graduated from high school but is still 18, they should compete in the men's league. Young Men still in the Young Men's program but wanting to participate in the men's league may do so with permission from the Stake Athletic Director. In order to allow all Young Men the opportunity to participate in a fare manner, Young Men that have participated on a High School Basketball team, regardless of whether the season has ended, are not eligible to participate.

I. Team Eligibility
·      Young Men's Teams are required to have an adult head coach. If a coach is not present at the start of the game, the team forfeits.
·      Men's Teams are encouraged (but not required) to have a non-player coach.
·      Coaches must check in with the scorer’s table before each game.
·      Each ward is encouraged to provide a set of uniforms for their respective teams. If that is not possible, the stake will supply uniforms.
·      All teams must contact Daris Perkins (208-201-8114) to register a team. Wards may register more than one team if numbers justify multiple teams.

III. Presiding Priesthood Authority
An Eagle Rock Stake Athletic Committee Member will be assigned to each game and will be responsible to open the building and administrate the games. Responsibilities will include setting up the scorer’s table with a clock, scoreboard, and scorecards, supplying a game basketball, and to secure the building following the completion of the last game. The Athletic Committee Member is to oversee the pre-game and post-game meetings between teams and to ensure that church standards are upheld at all times.

Officials for each game are responsible to see that the games are played safely and fairly under the IHSAA High School Basketball Rules.

IV. Special Rules for Stake Basketball Play
When needed and asked, gym time may be given to the Relief Society for their activities. When this occurs, the schedule may be adjusted to account for any canceled games. Due to limited gym time and the length of the season, games may simply be canceled and not rescheduled. 

Also, during games it is EVERYONE'S (i.e. ALL in attendance) responsibility to make sure that everyone (primarily children) are kept out of the halls to ensure things are quiet for the Relief Society.

The stake basketball program will follow the general high school rules. Because of the number of teams participating and the limited time to play each game, changes in normal basketball rules must be made and enforced. These special changes are as follows:

A. Pregame Meeting Rules
·      All team members will be required to attend a pregame meeting prior to the scheduled start of their game. During the pregame meeting, names and numbers should be entered into the scorers' book and any rules or questions will be resolved. The stake athletic committee will oversee the meeting and will call on someone from the home team to offer a word of prayer.
·      If a player is not able to attend the pregame meeting but will arrive later to play, their name should be entered in the book but no number assigned until the participant arrives.
·      If a player is not in the scorebook prior to the start of the game but would like to be added to the scorebook to play, a bench technical (resulting in 2 points and the ball out) will be issued.

B. Game Time Rules
·      All games will start and end on time. The game clock will start on time regardless if the teams are ready to play or not.
·      Each game will have two twenty-minute halves. The clock will not stop during the first half. The clock will stop on the last two minutes of the second half (if time permits). If there is not enough time, the clock will run straight through so the game can end on time.
·      A 50-minute time limit per game will be enforced. 
·      Time outs will be limited to 30 seconds (two per half/team). Teams cannot use first half timeouts in the second half. The clock will stop for time outs.
·      Half time will be limited to three minutes.
·      A team may start a game with four players. Any team that fails to have five registered players on the floor ten minutes into the game will forfeit the game. The game may be played based on the discretion of the official and both coaches involved. The officials may stop the remainder of play for a forfeited game.
·      Any person representing the Stake Athletics Committee in attendance may make game-time calls as he/she deems necessary.

C. Tie Games
·      For regular season play when a game ends in a tie, both teams will select one player from their team to participate in an overtime tiebreaker.
·      The home team player will shoot one free throw, followed by the visiting team player. It one team makes the free throw and the other doesn't, the team making the free throw will be the winner.
·      In the event that both teams make the free throw, the overtime tiebreaker will continue again. The same players will be used for a maximum of five rotations. If at the end of five rotations there still is a tie, each team will select another player and the tiebreaker will continue.

D. Team Uniforms
Team uniforms should be worn by all players and must have at least a number on the front or back. If the ward does not have matching uniforms, stake uniforms can be provided.

E. Storekeepers and Timers
Scorekeepers and timers will be provided for each game. These individuals should be in attendance at the pregame meeting.

F. Procedural Technical Fouls and Intentional Fouls
Technical fouls and intentional fouls will be an automatic 2 points and out of bounds possession. Free throws will not be shot.

G. Unsportsmanlike Technical Fouls
·      Unsportsmanlike conduct technical fouls will be an automatic ten points and ball possession out of bounds. Free throws will not be shot.
·      The referee or any person representing the Stake Athletics Committee at the scorer’s table or present in the gym can call technical fouls.
·      An unsportsmanlike technical foul will result in an immediate ejection from the game and the playing area. The player will not be able to play until a letter signed by the Bishop certifying their ability to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for the church sponsored activity. If an individual receives two ejections from a game for unsportsmanlike conduct during the season, the player eligibility to participate will be terminated.
·      Eviction from a game will be based on unsportsmanlike conduct. This is the decision of the officials and the stake athletic committee member administrating the game.
·      This may include, but is not limited to the following:
o   Arguing with officials
o   Outburst of Anger
o   Contending or taunting other players or spectators
o   Profane gestures or language
o   Any conduct that is not in harmony with the spirit of the program
o   Disrespecting the officials

H. Dunking and Divider Curtain
No dunking of the basketball at any time (before the game, during the game, or after the game) is allowed. Persons dunking the basketball may result in disqualification from the stake basketball program.

Because of damage resulting from running into the divider curtain making any contact with the curtain must be eliminated. If contact is made to the curtain, the official will award two points and the ball out of bounds to the opposing team. The official determines which player caused the contact to the curtain and he will award two points and the ball out accordingly.

I. Referees
Referees for Men’s Basketball are to be provided by the ward teams. It is the responsibility of the referee to know when they are to referee a game and find a replacement if they are unable to assist. Referees are assigned as follows:

7:00 PM - A vs. B (refereed by E referee and F referee)
8:00 PM - C vs. D (refereed by A referee and B referee)
9:00 PM - E vs. F (refereed by C referee and D referee)

Note: All referees must be at least 18 years or older.

Like men's basketball, each YM's Team is responsible for providing 1 referee for each game so that each game has 2 referees. However, each ward need only provide 1 referee for the game they are playing in and not the following game. If a referee is not provided, that ward will forfeit regardless if that team's game has already been played or not. For example:

8:00 AM - A vs. B (refereed by A referee and B referee)
9:00 AM - C vs. D (refereed by C referee and D referee)
10:00 AM - E vs. F (refereed by E referee and F referee)

Note: The referee provided is in addition to the coach of the young men's team.

*Final Rule*
Any person representing the Stake Athletics Committee may change or add rules or do anything they see fit based on the given circumstance (i.e. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DO WHATEVER WE WANT IN ANY SITUATION AS WE DEEM NECESSARY).

If you have any questions with regards to the program or the schedule please contact Daris Perkins, Stake Athletic Director at 208-201-8114